Welcome to my free animal healing event
that I run every October.
This is intuitive energy healing, aimed at helping animals cope better with feelings of fear triggered by fireworks.
This is a global event, where I work remotely with several animals in a large Healing Circle, aimed at helping them with their fearful reactions to fireworks.
You may register a maximum of six animals under your name. You must be the pet owner, or have the owner’s permission.
Please be aware that my success rate with this work is roughly 87%. If your animal doesn’t respond as you hope, I suggest you place them in my regular Healing Circle for further help.

I love animals and it breaks my heart to hear how they suffer when fireworks are being let off in their neighbourhood. My dog used to be very nervous but he’s a much happier pooch, now, that he’s had this healing done for him – and I repeat it for him, every year, because I’d rather I know I’d done the best I could for him, than just ‘hoped he’d be OK.’
I will run a bespoke Animal Healing Circle towards the end of October, and you’ll get a reminder email that this is happening about a week before I run the session. I will ask you then, to write down a ‘severity rating’ for how reactive your pet is towards the issue you have registered them for and to provide a photograph of them to allow me to connect with your pet.
After the session is complete, I’ll email you their report, and a week to ten days later, I will send an email to find out how your pet responded to the experience of fireworks. I love getting feedback about healing participants – so if you could let me know if it helped your pet that would be wonderful, and I would be grateful.
I may use feedback about your animal’s response, for promotional purposes next year.
Some animals I have helped around the world

The reason I do it in late October is because, here in the UK where I live, we have Bonfire Night on November 5 when a huge number of fireworks are let off, sending thousands of animals into paroxysms of fear and anxiety. My doggo used to be one of them.
Feedback from pet owners indicates that this healing also helps with fireworks during New Year celebrations; and in tropical regions, with massive summer thunderstorms; and indeed, with any loud and frightening noises!
If you want the specific date I’ll be healing, please check my social media as I start advertising this event in late September.
All you need to do is complete the registration form and I will be in touch with further details later in the year. Depending on when you submit the form,
I will do my best to include your pet in the current year’s healing session.
I will happily repeat the healing for your animal/s every year should you wish.
Find out more below about animal free-from-fear success stories … maybe you’ll recognise a story like yours!

Love and light, to you and your pet