Hi again from your friendly energy healer!
In this case study I’m talking about a healing intervention where I faced my fears and found out if I could help a COVID-19 sufferer, get relief from their symptoms. I say ‘faced my fears’, because, yes, this was a biggie and I’ve been very curious to try my healing methods on people with COVID! Because COVID is still so mysterious, I’ve really been keen to give it a shot – and here was my opportunity.
The back story
My client presented with loads of horrid symptoms:
The Energy Report

She said she ‘was in the hellish grip of COVID, with all the symptoms.’ I did two sessions with her; after the first session she had a rapid downhill experience where she thought she, literally, might die. She was unable to get admitted to hospital as there were no beds available. (She lives in Africa, where the support for COVID is much less than in countries like the UK). She ended up feeling very nauseous and weak, and remained at home with her husband caring for her. After the first session, she said the worst was ‘the disgusting smell in my sinuses, and the constant nausea. Apart from coughing, I have no headaches, sore throat, no fever, no body aches anymore.’
After her second session, on reading her report, she had an astonished reaction about events in her world that I had picked up ‘in the last 3 to 4 weeks’, telling me this was spot on as during this time, her husband had gone on the road with a friend, had contracted COVID and had unwittingly brought it home to her.
This is what she asked me to work with for her second session on June 19:

Feedback 8 days later:

Feedback: written as a testimonial in October

What I think
So I’m guessing the pathogens identified in her report, were COVID-type viruses. In fact there were a total of 6 pathogens we released, and where we couldn’t release them completely, we notched them down from being ‘active’ to being the ‘energetic remains’ (inactive, Level 2); which she will process out.
Interesting that she had imbalances in her lungs – this came up in the previous session as well. I’ve worked with three people with COVID and they have all had, ‘imbalances in the lungs’ – I’m guessing this relates to their reported breathing and coughing difficulties.
I’d like to point out that the TEs (Trapped Emotions) ‘throughout your life’ refers to these emotions being experienced and then not dealt with, (ie ‘trapping them’ in tissues and organs) at various times in her life – not, that she trapped them ‘every day.’
In her first feedback she says she doesn’t like tea – this aligns with what we know so far about COVID – changes in how people perceive tastes. She used to be an ardent tea-drinker. I also found her comment about ‘not being dyslexic any more’ fascinating. I assume that because of her illness, she had hand-eye co-ordination difficulties which would have been frustrating for her – she’s a graphic designer! I was also interested in her ‘eyesight improving’ comment – I’ve seen this before, in someone who I helped with sinus difficulties. She released the blocked sinuses, her eyesight improved! I Googled this – apparently the sinuses can apply pressure to the back of the eyes and affect eyesight.
Finally – she needed time to process. We all do, after energy healing. I find it takes my clients between 5 and 10 days to process and integrate their healing; and this matches her experience where she says that about a week after her second session she was breathing easier, the awful taste and nausea abated, her eyesight got better. Sometimes people have an overnight reaction, sometimes it takes a bit for them to notice – particularly with colds, coughs and chest infections. Like – the body turns the corner, but it takes a few days for the healing to register with the conscious mind.
So – in conclusion – can energy healing help with COVID?
I think it probably can.
If you know someone with COVID or Long COVID – please get in touch. I am called to offer a special price on an Emotion and Body Code healing session aimed specifically at helping those suffering with COVID, and I would love to help you!
Why don’t you try? What have you got to lose? Email me direct at gen@genedwards.com
Arrange a discovery call here, in your time-zone: Free 30-minute discovery call with Gen
I run a very affordable, global, weekly Healing Circle, where everyone benefits at once! And … we can work on Long COVID in my Circle!
Details and booking on my website.
Access my scheduler direct and make your own booking in your time zone here: Choose your healing option!