Today I’m reminding myself that tapping, or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a super-powerful self-healing method that absolutely anyone can use!
… because, yes, to be honest, I do tend to discount it a bit sometimes, and when I speak to people and suggest they try it, so many respond by saying it doesn’t really work for them. If you’re one of them, then this info is maybe for you to have a bit of a think about, because, in my experience so far, tapping is super-powerful and recently notched up a higher rating in my opinion because of what was, for me, an astonishing result.
I recently went to an amazing book signing and networking event, in Manchester. And the night before, I was convinced I wouldn’t go because I was feeling quite sh!t. I had a full-on head-cold – you know – the kind when you can’t breathe because your face is so full? Well no one wants someone in a confined space with them when they are exploding with sneezes and blowing their nose every five minutes. And I wouldn’t inflict myself on a group of people, not to mention in the train getting there – if I was so wetly contagious.
My head cold was of the virulent variety – the kind that escalates from a few sneezes in the morning to full-on misery by the evening. There was no way I could leave the house, and mingle with other people.
But I did, really want to go, so before I went to bed, I spent maybe 45 minutes tapping on myself. I was yawning so hard that I nearly fell off the sofa because I kept on dropping off. This can be a classic indication that the tapping is working – basically, you tap to release energy blockages stuck in your meridians (according to Eastern philosophy these are rivers or channels of energy that flow through your body). As the energy releases, you may respond by yawning, or by crying, or by feeling tired.
Now I believe in tapping. I have, in maybe the last six months, been tapping more than ever before, and I seem to have mastered a deeper level of tapping. I can channel energy as I tap, much like I channel energy when intuitively healing. I’ve done tapping with some clients, and I’ve done tapping with myself, and witnessed some profound changes.
Even so, when I woke up the following morning with no stuffy nose, no sneezing, no streaming eyes and feeling totally well, I was astonished. I wasn’t really expecting it, despite my intention the previous night when I set out to do it. My cold, in the morning, had moved from full-on to ‘aftermath’ – the after-effects, the remains of a cold, that normally you get at the end of having had a cold for a week or however long it lasts for. And by mid-morning – even that had gone.
Previous day, full on. Following day – not a whisker. From morning ‘til night, nor on the days that followed.
I can feel a new healing offering being born – a channelled tapping session. I think there might be a membership coming up too – group tapping. I haven’t quite worked out the details yet – watch this space!
If you’d love to experience the power of channelled tapping – please contact me on either here on my website or on
Love, light, and happy tapping!
Fancy learning how to muscle test so you can ask your intuition what to tap on, or for how long to tap for?
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