Hi again from your friendly energy healer!
This week I want to focus on a case study of Bells Palsy, which seemed to have PTSD somewhere at the root of it.
Until working with it, I didn’t know much about Bells Palsy. When this client came into my sphere, I did some research and honestly wondered if I would be able to help her. What became clear, as we worked, was that she was suffering from more than one incident that gave her PTSD – this emerged in the first session. After this session and on reading her session report, she fed back to me that some of the dates identified in the report referred to an armed home invasion that she and her family had experienced. Luckily, no one was hurt but it was an extremely traumatic event for everyone concerned, and it seems to have been one of the ‘final straws’ that tipped her over into contracting Bells Palsy a short time later.
What I think I learnt from this healing case study, is that Bells Palsy is the body’s response to extreme stress that has never been sufficiently processed or dealt with.
The back story
My client in this instance, was a friend. As I hadn’t heard from her for a while, and wondered why not, I messaged her – and this is what she responded with, “I’m suffering from Bells Palsy at the moment so I’m pleased you didn’t call, as my speech is quite severely affected and I wouldn’t have answered the call. At first we thought I was having a stroke. I was so scared. However it’s stress that has brought this about. My PTSD has been the greatest cause, with little added bits added to the mountain that I carry. I was lucky it wasn’t a stroke. Whilst I am on steroids the doc doesn’t think they will work as the paralysis had already taken hold before being prescribed the meds. The doc has no idea how long it will last and I am a little self conscious as I have to manually blink my eye. At night I do a pirate impression as my eye has to be taped down as it doesn’t close.”
Extract from Healing Report #1:

The Feedback: The next day

After four days

What I think
This was a very positive initial response from her, given that we had only done one remote, distance energy healing session.
Just to clarify – a Psychic Trauma is when we experience something shocking, and we trap a ‘bunch’ of emotions that we experience all at the same time, because of the trauma. On reading her report, she identified this as probably having occurred when they had the armed hold-up in their home.
The Addictive heart energy is an energy our hearts create that attract us to things, people and situations that in no way serve us, but that we have an affinity to or with. Dr Bradley Nelson – originator and creator of the Emotion and Body Codes – thinks that probably about half of us have Addictive heart energies.
Extract from Healing Report #2 (session #2):

The Feedback: Five days after session #2

Eight days after session #2

Fifteen days after session #2

One month after session #2

What I think
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. My belief system, based on the work I do and have done to help people with physical pain, with addictive behaviours, with OCD behaviours where they ‘can’t help themselves’, with fibromyalgia, with blepharospasm, with dysgraphia, with incontinence, with nervous tics – right down the scale to anxiety, feeling meh, having no confidence; is this. Something happens – at age 8, at 12, at 23 – whatever. We can’t cope with that Something – it might be a Huge Big Deal, or it might be something relatively Not a Big Deal. Whatever it is, we hold onto the toxic energies we experienced as a result of the Something, and they sit in our bodies until sometimes they manifest as any of the illnesses I list above, plus, alternatively, a zillion things I haven’t listed.
Something I learnt recently from reading The Journey by Brandon Bays is that the cells in our bodies are constantly renewing, but that as the new cells replace the old cells, they carry with them a genetic memory of any illness the old cells had. This is what perpetuates illness, and allows us to ‘carry the illness forwards’ despite cell renewal. And so it was – here – the cells first started carrying toxic energies at around the age of 7 or 8; and that toxicity was added to over time until the experiences terminated at 15. But the cells still carried the toxins, and eventually the body just got overwhelmed after new toxic experiences, that my client unable to process and release, were added to the cells.
My experience so far is this. As soon as I start working with ‘you’, and start identifying what is at the root cause of your issue, what comes up is a toxic mass of trapped emotional baggage that you couldn’t deal with, you didn’t know how to process, and that you were helpless to let go. And that’s why you came to me. So that I could help you, to let it go; and so your body could start to recover and heal itself; which is all our bodies really want to do; and it’s what they will do – given the chance.
And so it was with my dearly beloved friend who had Bells Palsy. We released the toxic rubbish, her body healed. Simple as that.
So there we have it – more astonishing results from energy healing. What can I say? I’ve been doing this for a while and I’m still thrilled to bits, and filled with awe; every time, at what people tell me.
You could have this too. Why don’t you try? What have you got to lose? Contact me!
I have a fabulous, weekly, remote Healing Circle where people from all over the world are getting wonderful results, helping them shift from pain to peace, from chaos to calm – whatever that means to them. Read more about that, here!
Drop me an email at gen@genedwards.com – arrange a session or … Book a free discovery call here