For the past several months, I’ve been working with a healing mentor, and have found that I’ve downloaded or upgraded – I’m not sure what the right word is – and am able to now work with all sorts of things I never dreamed of.
One of them is intuitive, psychic healing done using LightPods.
I talked about LightPod healing and about Mr Goosestep Man and his hip issues – now I want to talk about Debbie’s neck, head and upper back pain.
Before we get there, though –
What are LightPods?
The way I visualise a LightPod is as a kind of energetic ‘bed’ or ‘capsule’ that I energetically, place a person into, and then ask for help from Source God Consciousness to bring them healing.
I have discovered that LightPods are healings done in a series. I get told, after each session, by my Spirit Guides, when the next one should be done. Sometimes I’ll ‘place’ a few ‘items’ into the Pod, and the desired in-between-sessions healing time may be relatively long compared to, on another occasion, placing ‘many’ items into the Pod. It feels arbitrary to me, but of course I have no real idea of what healing is taking place in the LightPod after I leave the client.
If I get guided that the date for the next session falls on a particular day, it’s not been an option (what I know so far) for me to schedule that session a day earlier or later.
I have been busy with case studies, seeing what I can do using LightPods, and experimenting with various conditions. One of these has been helping Debbie Parry with upper neck/back pain which used to shoot up into the back of her skull, resulting in discomfort that she dealt with by taking painkillers on a daily basis.
*Debbie’s back story
“Most of my pain is in my shoulders, neck up and feels like under skull at the back. Pretty much up stretching to what a homeopath called hypothalamus gland? I know I am pushing my neck forward and hunching my shoulders when I’m feeling stressed. So, holding all those muscles stiff and tight. I do drop my shoulders asa I realise. However, it soon happens again and I’m pretty sure I’m doing it whilst sleeping. It ranges from 9 (when worst) down to about 2.5 (at best). Also lower back pain but when I am working and bending…like hoovering or helping my client dress. It’s a burning pain.”
Debbie’s journey:
One of six reports sent to Debbie via email – one after each remote session:

Feedback via text from Debbie over the course of the six sessions:

What I think:
I think it’s amazing and wonderful, and I am deeply, deeply grateful to be able to facilitate changes like this. I wrote about why and how I think psychic intuitive healing works in an earlier blog – Why I believe psychic, intuitive energy healing works – and, other than that, I will mainly leave you to draw your own conclusions.
The ‘anger lump’ – ? This fascinated me – and her comment about how it grew when our sessions were done, and how, when it burst, she felt like it ‘all her anger had been wrapped inside.’ Maybe it was – ?
I do believe – because They have told me so – that my Spirit Team continue to send healing to the LightPod recipient after the healing is done (by me). They are still working to the client’s Best and Greatest Good. So, I think They were still working with Debbie, here. On releasing her pent-up anger and frustrations.
Just a side-note on the side-notes – I wasn’t working with Debbie’s headaches specifically, nor her anxiety, nor her confidence. Nor anger. I was working with upper and lower back pain. I’ve observed before, and I’ll observe again, now – this healing demonstrates the principles of holism at its finest – when working with one issue, other things often, miraculously, clear for the client. I wish I had the gift of seeing auras – because if I did, I have a feeling that had I seen her in person hers would have changed over the duration of the LightPod healing sessions.
If you are in a place where you are sick and tired of pain, or depression, or are in some kind of overwhelm, I’d feel so honoured to work with you and to help you holistically. I work with a deep love and appreciation for all my clients, and am very grateful that I have been blessed with a gift that allows me to help others. I would be honoured to help you, too. Please reach out.
You can book a free discovery call here, or you can email me on
Wishing you all good things!
Gen x
*actual name used with permission