Well – if you nodded along to any of the points listed above – then this course is for you!
I have been healing people all around the world, in my Healing Circle, since 2018. When I started, I struggled with belief, I struggled with the concept that I could help so many people, all around the world, all at the same time, completely remotely – and make a difference. I struggled with my money story, and my worth story, and whether or not I was enough to do this work.
The proof is in the pudding – lots and lots of testimonials from happy Healing Circle Community members, who feedback to me that their pain levels have dropped, their happiness has increased, their mental states improved…
To date, I have served more than 200 people in my Healing Circles!
Before I became a healer, I was an instructional designer teaching others how to write brain-friendly, engaging learning material for adults. And now – I’ve married my skills of writing learning material with all the ins and outs anyone, who is an energy practitioner, needs to know to be able to start working effectively with groups.
How do I support you become a group healing facilitator?
I am so excited to introduce this course to you, because it contains
all the solutions and all the learning that I have accumulated since I
started working with groups in 2018. I’ve neatly packaged this so you
can sail through from beginning to end, learning from my mistakes
and empowering yourself with my Best Practice creative solutions for
working with groups.
In this course, delivered to your inbox over six modules, you’ll work
through practical content aimed at giving you your best shot at
effectively mastering the skills of being a group healing facilitator.
You will:
• Have absolutely no doubt that group energy healing works and has tangible results.
• Have decided how you’re going to do the group work, by investigating different options and then choosing the one/s that work for you.
• Have planned, structured and run your first group session.
• Have tools, templates and systems in place to help you manage the logistics.
• Have set your price point and know why you’ve set it.
• Have started the important manifestation work aimed at drawing clients to you.
• Have a deep understanding of how this work benefits you and them.

Learning Programme
What you get:
Six modules (emailed to you over five weeks) chock-full of all you
need to know to successfully run group energy healing sessions!
Valued at £541.45
BONUS: #guidance – a booklet aimed at:
• explaining how to ask carefully crafted questions of your Spirit Guides that will elicit clear #guidance you can act upon!
• inspiring you to bust through your limiting beliefs – by taking
these, and rewriting them into empowering beliefs which you place
deep in your subconscious!
• sharing with you how to use advanced manifestation tools to help
you to become a master manifestor!
• empowering you to really leverage the magic of gratitude!
Valued at £178.50
Total value = £719.95 – your investment = £541.45!
Payment plan available^
The payment plan is split into two equal payments of £318 each. The second payment is made 3 weeks after the first e.g. Bought Monday 3 October at £318. Second/final payment of £318 on Monday 24 October. Total investment = £636.
Additional Option: half-hour coaching sessions with Gen at a reduced fee of
£166.50! (Valued at £185!)
Learning Programmes
Learning Programme: Secrets to Successful Group Energy Healing- Subscription
Rated 0 out of 5£318.00 for 3 weeks and a £318.00 sign-up fee Sign up now -
Learning Programmes
Learning Programme: Secrets to Successful Group Energy Healing
Rated 0 out of 5£541.45 Add to cart

Classic Learning Programme
What you get:
Everything included within the Learning Programme: Secrets to
Successful Group Energy Healing plus;
Three months’ membership in Gen’s Healing Circle Community,
valued at £249
One Emerald Healing session valued at £125
Total value = £1093.95 – your investment = £886.10!
Payment plan available^
^The payment plan is split into three – they are equal payments.
e.g. Bought on Monday 1 April at £342. The second payment of £342 on Monday 22 April.
The third/final payment of £342 on Monday 13 May.- Total payable = £1026
Optional half-hour coaching sessions with Gen at a reduced fee of
£166.50! (Valued at £185!)
Classic Learning Programmes
Classic Learning Programme: Secrets to Successful Group Energy Healing- Subscription
Rated 0 out of 5£342.00 every 3 weeks for 6 weeks and a £342.00 sign-up fee Sign up now -
Classic Learning Programmes
Classic Learning Programme: Secrets to Successful Group Energy Healing
Rated 0 out of 5£886.10 Add to cart
What are the benefits of an Emerald Intuitive Energy Healing session with me?
In this one-to-one Zoom session, aimed at helping you release resistances and limiting blocks you’re experiencing in your personal life and healing business, over ninety minutes we will;
- • Align you to receive healing to your Best and Greatest Good by;
- -Setting the intention to raise your energy frequency levels so that you are in the best possible space to receive healing.
- – Aligning our energies so that there are no barriers between us that will block you from receiving that which you have asked for, or me from channeling it.
• Use my tried and tested protocols for shifting mental, emotional, spiritual or physical blocks that are standing in the way of you
reaching your goals
• Set up a healing programme for you that will run for longer than
the duration of the healing session.

Register for this amazing online course, now!
Healing Circle testimonials
Finally – a few words from my clients, working with me in my Healing Circle about how successful, they perceive, group healing work to be! Imagine – your clients could be giving you similar feedback!