Hi again from your friendly energy healer!
This week I want to focus on a case study around a client who had an agonisingly painful back.
The Back Story … and the BACK story!
My (regular) client came for a session on some emotional stuff she wanted clearing, and almost as an afterthought she asked if we could work on her back, which was really bothering her. We were in the early days Covid-19 lock-down, and she hadn’t been able to get to her physio; which she had been doing on regular, weekly visits before lock-down. Of course, I said, “Yes,” because I remembered I’d had some success with sore backs before. And – let’s be honest – I’m always inclined to give it my best shot ‘anyway.’
The Energy Healing Report

Key to outdated, trapped emotional baggage that was impacting her back:
TEs=Trapped Emotions | HWs=Heart Wall emotions | ERs=Emotional Resonances | PT=Psychic Trauma energy, typically made up of a ‘lump’ of Trapped Emotions, all experienced simultaneously. Roadblock = something that her sub-conscious was ‘hiding’ from both herself and me.
The Feedback

What I think
We were working on an emotional issue as well as on her back pain, so I don’t really know where one issue starts and the other ends. In fact I think they’re inter-twined – in that we released emotional baggage relevant to her emotional state but that also been supporting pain in the back (which actually, if you look at what we cleared and where we cleared, seems to be radiating and originating from her hip, not her back). Her ilium, ischium and pubis came up on the right-hand side, which is basically her right hip. Her root chakra was also blocked and of course that’s right down at the bottom of the spine, so that may have been contributing to back pain too.
And … what do you think of all the inherited stuff? That always feels super-amazing when I can release inherited emotions, because I always make sure to release them from all levels and times. In effect, all generations of family members affected are getting a lovely freebie healing experience, here. Energetically, they take up a great deal of ‘space,’ so I always imagine these inherited emotions as ‘pushing’ body parts aside. And – these particular ancestral energies are all Emotional Resonances from the feminine line. Hmmm.
According to Google – a generation is about 25-30 years’ long. Wow! Do the math?
This was a very ‘physical’ session from my perspective – we were pulling trapped energies out of her body but we were working on her structural issues in the sense that I was being directed to her bones, not just to her organs as usually happens with emotional releases. So – physical issue, we were told to work in the bones, in her structure. Interesting. Or – probably not, lol!
Her feedback blew me away. I was just so super-chuffed to read it. I felt quite overwhelmed and so very lucky to be walking this path with her.
So, there we have it – more astonishing results from energy healing. What can I say? I’ve been doing this for a while and I’m still gobsmacked, every time, at what people tell me.
You could have this too. Why don’t you try? What have you got to lose? Contact me! there are so many ways we can work together – remotely/in-person; and I offer solutions for every budget too. My Healing Circle Community is a lovely, affordable, global healing community where people are transforming their lives, moving from pain to peace – from chaos to calm – whatever that means for them. I’d be so honoured to help you, too!
You can email me direct at gen@genedwards.com – arrange a session or just ask for a discovery call so that we can chat.