The Emotion and Body Codes offer relief from chronic, repeated Urinary Tract Infections

Relief from chronic, repeated Urinary Tract Infections

Hi again from your friendly energy healer!

This week I want to focus on a case study around releasing UTIs – or Urinary Tract Infections.

The Back Story:

The reason my client wanted to work with me was because she had, in her own words, “A miserable set of UTIs for more than a year, capped by three back-to-back infections.” 

She had been on numerous courses of antibiotics and was now thoroughly fed-up with the repetitive cycle of urinary tract discomfort, and the seeming inability of the antibiotics prescribed by her doctor; to get rid of them permanently.

The Healing Report:

Key to what we released: PT = Psychic Trauma – a bunch of TEs that we trap all at once in a response to some kind of traumatic event – ie car crash, death of a loved one, etc | TEs = Trapped Emotions | HWs = Heart Wall emotions – Trapped Emotions used as ‘bricks’ by our subconscious minds to build protective energetic walls around our hearts and thus prevent further hurt being inflicted to our hearts

The Feedback The next day:

Six months later:

Relief from chronic, repeated Urinary Tract Infections Feedback 2

What I think

I did two sessions with her – the record you see here shows about half of what we released in her first session.  For this session she opted for a Heart Wall release session using the Emotion Code so in the report illustrated here there’s no reference to misaligned or imbalanced urinary system organs – like her urethra, her bladder, her ureters or her kidneys – which would probably have turned up if we were doing a Body Code session.  She might well have had pathogens or moulds lurking in her organs, but we didn’t look at those because we were dealing with trapped emotional energies. Her second, Body Code session turned up some interesting findings – but that’s another story!

She had a fabulous result and I was beyond thrilled with her outcome after the second session, of “no more UTIs!”

You’ll notice that she had two Psychic Traumas, both of which called themselves to our attention with regard to her UTIs.  So – these were the ‘most urgent’ things that needed to be released, relevant to her UTIs.  Think about when you buy a prepared meal and you read the ingredients – the product that there is ‘most of’ – like wheat – is listed at the top of the list.  Her psychic traumas were ‘top of the list’ in terms of negatively affecting and attracting UTIs.  Why?  I have no idea.  I do know that they were nestling in and around her – yes – you got it – urinary system.

You’ll also notice that she has a nice ‘spread’ of incidents in this report.  Her ages where she contracted with and trapped her emotional baggage were in her 20s, 30s and 40s.  Think of each one of these entrapments as being another ‘straw’ on the ‘camel’s back’, causing her camel to lie down eventually.  Her urinary system eventually just gave up, saying: “Hey.  No more.  I can’t process these energies any more.  I need help.”

This case study is a beauty from my perspective.  Her need was so particular, her releases were so specific, the outcome was so very measurable.  It re-inforces for me something that Dr Bradley Nelson (founder of the Emotion and Body Codes) says: namely: “When you release the energies that are trapped, you free up space in the body to start healing itself.”  The body is endlessly adaptable.  It wants to heal.  All we did for her in this case study example was give her body the space it needed.

So there we have it – more astonishing results from energy healing.  What can I say?  I’ve been doing this for a while and I’m still filled with wonder, astonishment, gratitude; every time, at what people tell me. I absolutely love this work – I love the challenge of being able to figure out what  it seems like doctors cannot ‘fix’!

Maybe you have UTIs that really bother you, maybe a friend you know has them?  UTIs are not written in stone – energy healing can help.  Why don’t you try?  What have you got to lose?  Contact me!

My details are on my website:

You can also email me direct at – arrange a session or just ask for a discovery call so that we can chat.

Book a free discovery call, here!

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