Hi again, and Happy 2024! I wish you an amazing year, filled with all the good things you wish yourself.
Do you ever reflect on how far you’ve come, and how much you might have changed?
I certainly do, and one way I did this recently was by being interviewed for a podcast, where I was forced to think about answers to questions posed to me about my life, about being adopted, how it formed my world view and how that world view has changed so dramatically.
Here’s the link to an interview done with Monjyoti Bhattacharyya for 10,000 Foot View. Monjyoti talks to people about mastering your life with the power of perspective.
10,000 Foot View with Monjyoti Bhattacharyya.
He also allowed me to tweak some troublesome stuff that was going on for him before he started recording, which is what he’s referring to in the podcast.
Please contact me if you have a Mother Wound, a Father Wound, an Abuse Wound, a Rejection Wound, or any other of the plethora of wounds that we as human beings, carry around with us, unresolved for perhaps years, because we just don’t know how to change, we don’t know how to heal.
I used to be that person, and I thank God every day, that I no longer am, because of the power of energy healing. It’s possible to heal.
Love, Light, and All Good Things until next time!

Would you love to try this healing for yourself? Book a free discovery call here:
Some healing offerings in my Transformative Collection:
Follow me on Face Book, where I post testimonials about all sorts of client journeys! Maybe one like yours. 😉 https://www.facebook.com/genevieve.edwards.507