Have you ever wished you could leave your past behind? Like – that awful thing of staring at the ceiling at 2am, or fulminating about a remembered conversation with your mother-in-law three years ago that you just keep on coming back to and rewriting the script for – but it’s too late?
Well – that’s exactly what I help you do – I help you to detach from the sad and boring and cringe-inducing memories that pop up when least expected and in the most frustrating manner. I help you detach from the rubbish in your past, so that nasty and upsetting incidents and memories become as meaningful for you, as a random sweet-wrapper found on the floor at the railway station.
You can choose to work with me in one-to-one sessions, and/or also, every week, in my global Healing Circle sessions
I help you to release and let go whatever is at the root of, and causing, your issues. Issues like lack of self-confidence, health issues, difficulties blocking you from attracting the perfect partner, job opportunities or improved health.
Does this ring any bells, as you read this? Would you like to move on? Would you like to leave behind your pain, your emotional and mental chaos?
Like Mandy, who worked with me in my Circle, on Releasing pain in the chest area, constant coughing. She released the pain, she stopped the coughing.
Roger joined the Healing Circle Community, to work on his upsetting relationship with his mother, from whom he felt he never received the love he craved. He got past that, he moved on, knowing it was never about him.
Janet joined the Community, and we worked on Whatever is at the root of your complete lack of motivation, your loss of mojo. She found her mojo, she’s moved on, happy and motivated.
Verasha worked with me every week in the Circle on Releasing all-body pain and discomfort including migraines. She released the pain, she released the migraines. She moved on.
Carole worked on Clearing and releasing whatever is at the root of and causing your blocked sinuses. She released whatever was at the root; her sinuses cleared.
Stephen worked on Releasing his sadness around his upsetting and dysfunctional relationship with his father. He’s happier now that he’s done that and has moved on.
I say, they’ve ‘moved on’ which is not strictly true – because some of them are still in my Healing Community, moving from strength to strength and releasing issue after issue, sadness after sadness.
I have such wonderful messages from the people who I have supported in my Healing Circle Community – over 250 of them so far, and the number is growing.
“My 10-year old daughter has stopped obsessing, she’s stopped talking to me about death, and about loss, and fear. She’s happier and more confident since her Healing Circle sessions. It seems like there’s less ‘compulsion’ and anxiety happening inside her head.” – Fran
“My self-sabotaging behaviours have turned the corner! I’ve been noticing the most amazing alignment with doing the things I’ve been wanting to do – I’ve finished writing that course after procrastinating for months, I’ve applied for a new job after faffing about it for weeks, I’m feeling motivated to tidy the house and it no longer looks like a tip! Thank you – it feels so amazing and empowering to be in control and to no longer be my own worst enemy!” – Lisa
“I’m eating so much better. I’m so in control of my eating habits and find it easy to ‘not’ have the slice of cake, or the second glass of wine. I feel so much happier and in control of my eating, and my health.” – Joe
“My 8-year old son is so much more confident, now. He’ll happily go into another room in the house by himself, after dark, to collect the thing he wants from the other room. He’s stopped climbing into his brother’s bed, at night. Our whole family dynamic has improved.” – Nicole
“I’m able to easily and effortlessly stick to my intermittent fasting eating-plan, now. It’s become automatic for me and I don’t have any feelings of cravings or wanting to binge.” – Camille
“My back pain has gone. I’m astonished that you were able to a) pick it up using remote energy healing, and b) release it from me.” – Joyce
“My bladder control is hugely better. I sneezed this morning – three good ones – and tah-dah!! No leaking!” – Rosalind
“Since joining Slimmers’ World working with releasing the need to have the odd glass of wine, and eat too many treats, I’ve easily and effortlessly lost almost 1 kilo!” – Tracey
“I partnered with a man who really screwed me over in business. Every time I thought about him, I would feel bitter and angry. I bumped into someone the other day who knew both of us, and she started telling me what this man had been up to. I left the conversation with feelings of equanimity and neutrality. What a huge difference!” – Robin
“My confidence! My self-esteem!! My self-worth! It’s definitely working – I got offered a promotion at work the other day and I don’t believe this would ever have happened without the work we’re doing together!” – Angela
I’d love to help you, too, release whatever is at the root of and causing your … (fill in the blank). Please reach out and contact me – I offer a free discovery call, so you can see if you think we can work together.
Wishing you all good things!