Welcome to the Transformative Collection!
The Transformative Collection is an offering of group healings delivering channelled White Light Energy to support you in ways you may not otherwise have access to.
My services are curated and designed to enhance your well-being, intuition, personal growth, and happiness.
Immerse yourself in a six-day journey of continuous remote healing energy with Numinous Healing.
These sessions are offered at regular intervals. Each offering has a curated theme designed to bring powerful healing to all levels of your Being.
All communication and feedback is via email.
Healing Circle
The Transformative Healing Circle Community has helped more than 250 people to date. It runs every Thursday and is completely remote. Each participant
focuses on one physical, emotional or mental issue they want help with. All participants are completely anonymous within the Circle
Numinous Week of Healing
Immerse yourself in a six-day journey of continuous remote
healing energy with Numinous Healing, and benefit from the
healing of common wounds!
Experience 6 days of continued remote healing energy, sent to
you every day. Your report gets delivered daily via email.
Every Numinous Week offers a theme chosen by Spirit and is
directed at Humanity’s greatest needs.
Examples of past themes are:
• Healing the Mother Wound
• Releasing Sleep Disorders
• Letting go of Blocks to Self Care
• Calming the Inner Critic
• Allowing yourself Safety, Trust and Control etc
Each day of the program is thoughtfully curated to address
different aspects of your well-being and support your personal
growth journey. My Numinous Week of Healing provides a safe
and nurturing space for transformation to begin.
Join the Numinous Community today and embark on a powerful
journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal.
Click the link to find out what our next themed week will be.

Healing Circle Transformative Community
Embrace the power of remote community healing with affordable, ongoing, energy healing delivered every Thursday. It’s completely confidential psychic healing, aimed at helping people from all over the world; each focusing on one issue that’s really bugging them.
Get a powerful, continual, drip-feed of psychic healing every single week. The healing is carefully designed by Spirit to be with you for seven days, after which it’s topped-up, on the seventh day. Gen sends weekly reports to every Circle participant, itemising what has been released.
Join an amazing group of like-minded people who are all walking their healing journey at the same time you are walking yours. Witness each others’ shifts in the exclusive, private Facebook group, should you choose to join. Otherwise, you remain anonymous within the group, known only to Gen.
More offerings you’ll love
Remote, Online Healing Sessions
Join my Platinum Club and tap for success in this monthly, no-tie-in membership which allows you to access, every month, any two of my Remote Channelled Tapping healing sessions. Ideal for those of you who love the convenience of, any time of day or night, when the mood strikes you to work with me remotely using White Light, Energy-boosted online healings. You can also buy each remote tapping session as a stand-alone.
Examples of available topics to work through:
• I Let Go Now of Fear and Lack
• I Let Go Now the Need to Control
• There’s Plenty More Money Where That Came From!
• I am Enough!
• Even Though I have a History of Failure, I’m willing to Love and Forgive Myself!

Redefine & Rise: 5 Day Belief Transmutation for
Transmuting Limiting Beliefs
This is for you if you know you’re carrying old, outdated belief
systems that never served you deep in your subconscious mind
because they show up into your life as the way…
…you simply can’t let go and move on from your past hurts
and trauma
…you keep sabotaging yourself and repeating old patterns that
never served you in relationships, money, success, self-love
…you keep attracting the ‘wrong things’ because on some level
that’s what you think you deserve.
Join my regular themed Healing Containers to start letting go
of your limiting belief systems and replacing them with new,
empowering ones!
Examples of past themes:
• Self-Love and Acceptance
• Money and Abundance
• Spheres of Success (Parenting, Money, Career/Business,
Relationships, Self-love and acceptance)
• The Gift of Forgiveness (for them, for you)
• Letting go of Fear and Lack
• Embracing I AM Enough! etc
I run these several times a year.
Free Muscle Testing Guide
Deepen your intuition and enhance your ability to tap accurately into your inner knowing with my FREE Muscle Testing Guide. Over years of energy healing experience, I have discovered that using muscle testing can strengthen our intuition, making it easier to access and trust.
Download my free booklet to learn the “how-to” of muscle
testing and start building your intuition ‘muscle.’ Start using this fascinating tool regularly and intentionally to grow and refine your intuitive skills, helping you to unerringly follow your internal guidance system when making decisions.

#guidance Booklet
If you would love to access your very own Divine #guidance and are eager to manifest more effectively than ever before, get my #guidance booklet now!
Graduate beyond muscle testing, pendulum work, or intuition and learn to use structured questions plus simple-to-use divination tools to get answers direct from Spirit.
Get direction to help you in your business, your relationships and any other area in your life where you’re not sure where to go or what to do!
Unleash your manifestation potential and tap into the #guidance of the Universe with this invaluable resource
Join my tribe!
Curious to discover how I’ve helped between 4 and 500 clients, and wondering if I might be able to help you too? Subscribe to my free newsletter and become part of my community. Stay updated on the latest insights, success stories, and valuable information that can start helping you to
transform your life.