I learnt how to use the Body Code from Dr Bradley Nelson. His theory is that all illness can be categorised as having six classifications. The first classification I thought I’d share with you, is ENERGIES.
When we’re working together – say, I’m working with you to help ‘release whatever is at the root of and causing your anxiety, or your panic attacks’ – your sub-conscious (SC) mind will bring an energy to our attention. You will have stored that energy in your tissues and organs since you created it because of a trauma you experienced, that you were unable to process or deal with enough to let it go.
So the energy your SC mind wants to release may be in the form of a
- Trapped Emotion – an out-dated feeling that overwhelmed you so that you shoved it away;
- Heart Wall – an energetic wall your subconscious mind created to help blunt the pain of the feelings you were feeling;
- Psychic Trauma – a whole bunch of feelings experienced simultaneously during a traumatic event, like a car crash or a shootout;
- Emotional Resonance – an energy that just keeps on vibrating, long after the trauma event associated with it, ended.
Toxic energies also come in the form of an intolerance or allergy to an idea or concept that put you off and now every time you encounter it, it causes your sub-conscious mind to react (and try to avoid). For example, you might have an ‘allergy’ to marriage and commitment because of your parents’ divorce. Hence, you have trouble with romantic relationships. You might have an ‘intolerance’ to being a wealthy person because of your family values when you were growing up. Your parents may have said things like, ‘Money is bad’, or ‘Rich people are greedy’, or ‘It’s wrong to have too much’. Hence, you struggle with abundance.
An energy your SC minds wants you to release because it’s holding you back, might be a physical-emotional shock energy. I often see these lodged as ‘a blow to the heart’ sustained when someone really hurt our feelings, or a beloved pet or family member died, or some other traumatic event happened. The ‘blow’ to our heart was one that almost knocked the wind out of us, caused us to metaphorically stagger and totter in shock. Because we didn’t know how to deal with it, we just stored the energy in our hearts, which can cause an energetic disconnection in our hearts, a numbing of feelings, a refusal to feel too deeply ‘cos we’ll be hurt again. Ring any bells?
Another type of energy that I encounter in this category, is the perverse energy sustained during a physical trauma; which is shocking or stressful.
An example of a physical trauma energy, stored in the body; is one that comes to me from my own lived experience. One of our horses knocked me over in a frenzy of food excitement when I was about 9, and then proceeded to step on my chest. I had completely and utterly forgotten about this incident until I was working with myself a few months ago and my sub-conscious mind directed me to release the stored energy charge of the trauma in my chest.
With a physical trauma energy, the physical event has passed; the energy event is still stored. Instances where I’ve cleared this from others is from people involved in car crashes, or falling, or being physically hit.
There’s also a sub-category of offensive energies, encompassing such energies as despair anchors, resistance anchors of guilt and shame, post-hypnotic suggestions – these are energies our sub-conscious minds lay down when we are (typically) in a kind of trance. For example, when we are teenagers, clubbing to repetitive music, or playing video games, with repetitive music. Do these behaviours bring up memories for you? It seems these activities can leave our minds wide-open to suggestions that are not for our Highest and Best good. Post-hypnotic suggestions are generally very negative messages laid down in our sub-conscious minds – for example, ‘No one will ever love me’, and ‘I’m not good enough’.
We also create saboteur energies. In my experience to date, I’ve noticed that often these pop up when people want to release procrastination, or self-sabotaging repeat behaviours where we shoot ourselves in the foot by attracting the ‘same-old, same-old’ patterns. Partners and relationships that don’t suit us, situations that don’t serve us, we can’t attract the money we deserve because we keep blocking it and are unable to receive it.
So much old outdated energetic emotional rubbish we carry with us, that affects our functioning, that affects who we are in the world, who we attract, how we present ourselves to others, how well we manifest whet we want!
If any of these situations I’ve described are ones you, particularly resonate with, you may have toxic energy stored in your Being – like some of the energies mentioned here. The good news? You can get rid of them, it’s not written in stone, everything can change.
Please contact me – here – or at gen@genedwards.com – I’d love to work with you and facilitate the release of the energetic imbalances that may be contributing to a current state of unhappiness and lack of abundance.
Love, Light, and all Good Things!

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