Have you ever worked with tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?
I know lots of people who do, who find it very helpful with all sorts of issues – anxiety for one, maybe anxiety linked to fear of flying, or generalised anxiety, or something specific – fear of public speaking. Or maybe you’ve used tapping to help you with something else, like weight loss, or giving up smoking, or pain relief?
There’s been lots of research done on tapping. It mostly seems to be acknowledged that it’s helpful for anxiety and many psychologists use it in support of therapy for anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD. The thinking is that tapping on acupressure points on our bodies interrupts the flight, fright or freeze response triggered by the amygdalae, deep in our limbic system. We evolved our limbic system before we evolved verbalisation, and I believe, based on the work I’ve done with tapping, that tapping accesses parts of our brain that we can’t access using speech, which is why tapping gives such relief and such results – the trauma is released without needing to talk about it.
This is a common thread in all the energy healing I offer – not needing to talk about it.
In a nutshell, EFT is the act of tapping with your fingers on acupressure points on your meridians. This is easier than it sounds, because the main tapping points have been mapped out and essentially you follow a set procedure of tapping in specific spots on the face, head, and upper body. Our meridians are rivers of energy, channelling prana, qi or life-force much like our veins channel blood. Tapping unblocks the meridians where the energy flow is interrupted or congested because we stored old trauma and emotions there when we couldn’t deal with them. Tapping often results in huge yawning or crying as the old traumas release.
About a year ago, I started working again with tapping. I used it in the past, and then I got so involved in my other energy healing modalities that I neglected tapping, so I was delighted to come back to it and find I experienced really profound shifts when using it. After about 6 months I realised, with huge astonishment and gratitude, that I was channelling energy as I tapped. I started offering this healing to clients to help shift their issues quicker than they could manage themselves when doing ‘normal’ tapping, or co-tapping with a practitioner.
For some time now, I have really wanted to expand my pro-bono offerings beyond the free annual animal-fireworks-fear I do in October, and it seems that now is the time for me, to return to my community, in the form of a free channelled tapping session.
My first group channelled tapping session is running on Saturday 3 June, 2023, and I’m offering two time choices to try and accommodate as many people as I can. The link to register is here.
There’s a private Face Book group for the people who are interested in this event, into which I’ve been posting FAQs. Here are some of those, hopefully they may answer some questions that might be running round in your mind!
The theme for this round of channelled tapping, on 3 June, is focused on ‘We forgive.’
In it, you’ll tap on yourself, and tap also with the intention of healing your relationship with someone else, who you feel you need to forgive. So the healing is twofold – ‘you’ and ‘your relationship’ with someone else.
I’ll be with you on Zoom and channelling healing for everyone at the same time as you are tapping – I’ll be tapping too, ‘for Everyone’. And when I tap, because I can channel energy healing as I tap, and because my intentions are lovingly placed on Everyone getting the most possible benefit from this session, the energy will be sent to you, individually, and to the relationship you want to heal and move on from. The intention is that after the channelled tapping session, there will be ‘less of a charge’ when you think about [fill in the blank]. This is also because the energy I bring through, ‘amps up the tapping’ being done by the individuals in the group.
My understanding is that everyone who participates in this healing has in fact contracted with their Creator/with themselves and asked for healing. I am merely the conduit through which this is sent.
With what I know so far from doing this work, YES.
You can choose to forgive yourself and forgive someone else, or you can choose to tap on forgiveness for ‘only’ you.
If I’m tapping for/on you in your absence, I am not channelling healing to the other person you’re working with. I am channelling healing to the relationship dynamic between you, which will help you feel better about them when you think of them, and will reduce the ‘charge’ between you, because how you respond to them, or to the memory of them, will begin to shift.
It’s when we both work together, to bring you the healing you’ve asked for.
It’s when you set intentions for yourself, of what you want to heal, and I work with you in support of that. One of the ways I offer co-created healing is with channelled tapping – there are others. This might be the most direct way, because the other ways I offer co-created healing are remote and we don’t see each other.
We both ‘contract’, if you like, to be responsible for your healing and we both feed effort into it. There is also an element of group consciousness, where the intentions of the group are focused on a common goal and so are amplified.
You check your severity rating – how ‘bad’ or ‘good’ you feel about the topic we’re working on – both before, and after the session, so that you notice the shifts. This is linked to brain plasticity, and how the brain ‘forgets how bad it was,’ once we shift into a better space about something that’s been bothering us.
You don’t tell me who we’re working with – whether it’s just you or you + someone. The healing gets sent regardless. All I know is that you have requested healing by sending me your details. If you want me to tap on you in your absence, I’ll do that according to the info you complete when you register.
Permission is key with this kind of work.
When you register, you give me permission to work for you. I may not work with or for you unless I have your explicit permission to do so.
This work changes us. It changes how we view the world, it changes how we react, it changes our inner world. It changes our outer world because our outer world starts to reflect our inner world. Our outcomes start to change.
What this means is that you’ve put your feet onto a path of self-development and change, and only you can make this decision to do this. It also means, that by raising your vibrations (which is what channelled energy will help do), we start to change the vibrational frequency of the world because we ourselves become different. We help to uplevel the world.
Energy healing, like any work that elevates you and develops your inner world, is your choice, freely given.
If the time is right for you, and you resonate with this offer, please register here. I would love to support you in your journey towards more self-forgiveness, leading to more self-love and more self-approval. How does it get better than that?
I’ll be offering future tapping events – I think roughly every two weeks – the next one is on Saturday June 17th, and our theme is: My past failures don’t determine my future successes. The link will be the same as the one above.
Wishing you all good things!

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